Socialism punishes success, and rewards failure. You can see the evidence in everything they propose and do! Every agenda. At least until they actually do take power, and then you either work or die.
When you work hard, do you want to be looted by the government, to support “people who want a minimum income even though they don’t want to work”? We at The Universal Individual Rights Project refer to that as “Give us your paychecks and we’ll spend and waste most of it and give you back what we think you need.” It’s what happens under Socialism and Communism. The state essentially owns you, and everything you produce. Witness nations like Greece, Italy, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, and China. It replaces religion, with state worship. Why do you think the Chinese have been so brutal with religious people?
Ayn Rand was a child under the horrific conditions of Soviet Russia. I couldn’t even read her first novel, “We The Living”, because the first several pages were too depressing. After her family escaped to the United States, and she grew to adulthood here, she gradually developed the philosophy of Objectivism. It’s the opposite of Socialism, but NOT the crony corporatism, and forced-collectivism that we have in the U.S. today. Pure philosophical Capitalism, at the best it can be! It rewards success by recognizing that we have the human right ( Yes, by the true definition! ) to own property, and the fruits of what we spend our time to produce. “The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” was originally stated as “the right to life, liberty, and property”. It doesn’t “punish failure” – it just doesn’t reward people who want to loot others. ( Have you ever wondered why the Socialist leaning cultures think the Vikings were so cool? ) So the linked article below is right on the money, and it also appeals to the left, including classical liberals, in some great ways! And The Universal Individual Rights Project has the blueprint for a sea change in political systems, to give us a world of prosperity and freedom, the likes of which has never been seen yet by humanity! – Kira Saoirse, author of “The Universal Individual Rights Project”. ( Read the book on Amazon. ),1,E
was originally stated as It doesn’t “punish failure” – it just doesn’t reward people who want to loot others. So the linked article below is right on the money, and it also appeals to the left, including classical liberals, in some great ways! And The Universal Individual Rights Project has the blueprint for a sea change in political systems, to give us a world of prosperity and freedom, the likes of which has never been seen yet by humanity! – Kira Saoirse, author of “The Universal Individual Rights Project”. ( Read the book on Amazon. )